About Me

I’m a UX/UI Designer, Front End Developer and co-founder of WEN Themes. I enjoy turning complex problems into simple, beautiful and intuitive interface designs. When I’m not coding or pushing pixels, you’ll find me in the gym or on the court shooting hoops. I have 4 years commercial experience working with clients from around the world, providing responsive front-end development and WordPress integrations.

 Clients often approach me when they need someone with the following skills:

  • Front-end Development
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
    • jQuery
  • Performance
  • Animation
  • WordPress Development
  • Themes Development
  • Admin/Plugin Setup

The work I provide is of highest quality, fully responsive, and tested in a wide range of devices. I take great care to ensure each project is well-documented and easily maintainable so you can enhance a website as your company grows.

Often front-end development of a website is overlooked, but being the part of your project that combines design, back-end development and the layer that your users interact with, from my experience, it is the most important to get right.

My clients have found that launching with a well considered and well developed front-end has saved them time and money and makes for a product that is consistently of high quality.